Dear JADE users,
on behalf of the JADE Board I am pleased to announce that you can now access the source code repository of JADE and its add-ons.
All the source code of the JADE project, including the LEAP extension and those add-ons and sub-projects for which main authors have agreed to do so, is managed through subversion (where subversion is a version control system that is a compelling replacement for CVS in the open source community).
Read-only access to these repositories is granted to the JADE user community under the terms of the LGPL license, where not explicitly differently indicated. In order to reduce possible annoying disturbing effects of web-robots access, a special account has been setup to access these repositories, where both username and password are the name (4 letters in lowercase) of our well-know and beloved agent platform.
The repository trees can be browsed via a simple Web browser or, alternatively, you can prefer using a subversion client, e.g. tortoise, that enables you to view the complete histories of any file in the repository. It is recommended that you checkout the add-ons under the JADE root directory, i.e. you should end-up with the following directory tree (jade/src; jade/leap; jade/add-ons/beangenerator; …).
The JADE subversion repository contains all the JADE and LEAP source code and documentation.
The JADE add-ons subversion repository contains, instead, source code and documentation of all those add-ons and subprojects for which the main authors have agreed to do so.
Of course, we welcome contributions from all users, including bug reports and fixing, suggestions, and sub-projects of JADE. The JADE Board has an open call for JADE sub-projects and add-ons. A repository with proper read/write access will be granted to the users whose sub-projects have been accepted by the JADE Board. Proposals for new sub-projects should be sent via e-mail to jade-contrib at@ by specifying a short workplan with a description of the new functionalities, the impact on existing code, and the expected time for the first stable release.
This new revision control system will allow members of the community to create their own JADE-related projects under the supervision of the JADE Board and harmonized with the rest of the on-going JADE-related activities. This is the first step in the direction of gathering the activities currently undertaken within the JADE community and making their outputs available to everybody in a uniform and consistent way.
You might find useful to read also the new section source code under the area ‘community&developers’ of the JADE Web site.
I am also pleased to announce that today we terminated the integration of .NET as one of the targets of the JADE-Leap build.xml ant-file. This non-trivial integration was carried out mainly by Federico Pieri of ERXA, that I would like to publicly thank for the effort he put and the quality of the achieved harmonization result. Documentation is available within the LeapUserGuide.