The JADE Team gratefully acknowledges the following people who kindly contributed to the project:
- Leonardo Chiariglione, who initially supported the idea of starting the project;
- Paolo Marenzoni, who helped with the analysis of the requirements;
- GianStefano Monni, Gianluca Tanca, Alessandro Beneventi, Matteo Cremasco, Francisco Regi, Andrea Soracchi, who implemented some tools of JADE;
- Angelo Difino who provided some examples;
- Vasu Chandrasekhara, who suggested some modifications to the ACLMessage interface;
- Daniel Le Berre, who provided the example and the tutorial about the integration of JADE with JSP and the JSP Tag Library;
- Kaveh Kamyab, who integrated the example with version 5.1 of JESS;
- HP’s Agents for Mobility Department (HP Labs, Palo Alto, California) Martin L. Griss and Robert Kessler (Univ. Utah), who made some modifications to the GUIs of the Sniffer Agent;
- Craig Sayers and David I. Bell, who made some modifications to the SL0Parser, the SL0Encoder, the ISO8601 classes. David also provided support for drag and drop in sending a message from a file.
- Dick Cowan for contributions to the property classes in the jade.util package and many enhancements to jade, jade.core, and jade.wrapper packages to allow JADE to be managed as a service from another application.
- HP Labs that are constantly continuing to provide a number of important suggestions, feedbacks, and improvements
- Oliver Hoffmann, who provided the example of 3-way integration between JADE, JESS, and Protege.
- Ion Constantinescu, EPFL, who provided the HTTP-MTP and XML-ACLCodec add-ons
- Heikki Helin (University of Helsinki) who provided version 1.0 of the bit-efficient ACLCodec add-on
- Filippo Quarta and Roberto Ricevuto (Telecom Italia) who provided the documentation of the examples
- Pavel Kryl, who provided some bug fixes
- Dick Cowan, who patiently reviewed the English of the Security plug-in administrator’s guide
- Itai Shirav, who provided a set of icons for use in the RMA GUI
- Joan Amedtler and Sergi Robles, who strongly improved the HTTP-MTP implementation and provided a new add-on
- Jordi Cucurull Juan who developed and currently maintains the Inter Platform Migration add-on
- Ignazio Palmisano, who provided an interesting FAQ and who is very active in supporting users on the mailing list.
- Federico Pieri (ERXA) who integrated .NET as one of the targets of the JADE-Leap build.xml ant-file.
- David Bernstein (Caboodle Networks, Inc.) who improved the SocketProxyAgent.
- Viktor Kelemen (MTA- SZTAKI) who provided a tutorial on integrating JADE in a Servlet by means of the JadeGateway class.
- Henrique Lopes Cardoso (Univ. Porto) who improved the JADE-JESS tutorial.
- Arend Freije who provided modifications in the JADE kernel to support different implementations of the Agent MessageQueue, one such implementation supporting file system based message persistence and some fixes in the HTTPS support of the HTTP MTP.
- The CASCOM Project and in particular Ahti Syreeni and Heikki Helin (TeliaSonera) who provided the Bit Efficient ACLCodec (version 1.1), Bit Efficient Envelope Codec and the CASCOM HTTP MTP add-ons.
- Andre Filipe (Federal University of ABC – São Paulo, Brazil) who provided a complete JADE tutorial in Portuguese
- Vadim Kimlaychuk (Tallinn Technical University) who provided patches to make a BeanOntology Serializable and to fix the retrieval of Concept, Action and Predicate names from an ontology
- Eduard Drenth (Logica) who
- Designed and developed the module that allows the front-end and the back-end of a split container to communicate via SSL, HTTP and HTTPS when using the java.nio based BEManagementService
- Developed the Trusted Agents Add-on by means of which only agents with a token that can be validated are be allowed to join the Jade Platform
All those users that constantly contributes to the improvement of the project by submitting bug reports and fixes, suggestions, and examples. Apologize for all those people that we forgot to mention, eventually please send us an e-mail as a reminder.
Special thanks also to all those partners of the European Project FACTS, ACTS AC317, that patiently tested JADE and submitted significant requirements. First software modules of JADE and early versions of JADE were developed within the framework of the FACTS project.
The LEAP project deserves a special mention. During the 2000 – 2002 time span, thanks to the valuable contribution of the Consortium partners – Motorola (coordinator), ADAC, Broadcom, BT, Telecom Italia, University of Parma, Siemens – the project accomplished the relevant goal of developing a new lightweight runtime environment for JADE that can be both exploited in the Internet and in the wireless context. The LEAP extension allows the deployment of JADE on J2ME devices, and open the doors for mobile applications based on the P2P intelligent agent approach. The LEAP extension has been fully integrated in last JADE release, 3.01b, and the collaboration between Motorola and Telecom Italia led to the creation of the JADE Governing Board aimed at the success of our platform.
Telecom Italia also acknowledges that this project has been partially supported (Mar. 2002- Feb. 2005) by the Italian M.I.U.R. (Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca) through the Te.S.C.He.T. Project (Technology System for Cultural Heritage in Tourism).