Table of Contents

Links to companion materials and code snippets used in the Book organized by Table of Contents.

1 Introduction

2 Agent Technology Overview

2.1 About agents
2.2 The Foundation for Intelligent, Physical Agents (FIPA)

3 The JADE Platform (link to companion material)

3.1 Brief history
3.2 JADE and the agents paradigm
3.3 JADE architecture
3.4 Compiling the software and launching the platform
3.5 JADE packages
3.6 Message transport service
3.7 Admin and debugging tools

4 Programming with JADE – Basic Features (link to companion material)

4.1 Creating agents
4.2 Agent tasks
4.3 Agent communication
4.4 Agent discovery: the yellow pages service
4.5 Agents with a GUI

5 Programming with JADE – Advanced Features (link to companion material)

5.1 Ontologies and content languages
5.2 Composing behaviours to create complex tasks
5.3 Threaded behaviours
5.4 Interaction protocols
5.5 Interacting with the AMS
5.6 Starting JADE from an external Java application

6 Agent Mobility (link to companion material)

6.1 Agent mobility
6.2 Intra-platform mobility
6.3 Inter-platform mobility service
6.4 Usage of the JADE mobility services

7 JADE Internal Architecture (link to companion material)

7.1 Distributed coordinated filters
7.2 Creating a JADE kernel service

8 Running JADE Agents on Mobile Devices (link to companion material)

8.1 Main limitations of the mobile environment
8.2 The LEAP add-on
8.3 The split container execution mode
8.4 Developing MIDP agents
8.5 LEAP add-on advanced

9 Deploying a Fault-Tolerant JADE Platform (link to companion material)

9.1 The main replication service
9.2 Attaching the DF to a relational DB

10 The JADE Web Services Integration Gateway (link to companion material)

10.1 Web service technology
10.2 The utility of agent and Web service integration
10.3 The WSIG architecture
10.4 Installation requirements
10.5 WSIG installation procedure
10.6 WSIG operation
10.7 Example 1: Web service client invokes an agent service
10.8 Example 2: Agent service invokes a Web service

11 Agent-Society Configuration Manager and Launcher (link to companion material)

11.1 Basic terms and concepts
11.2 Book-trading example
11.3 Distributed deployment
11.4 The XML meta-model
11.5 Inside the ASCML
11.6 Distributed monitoring, logging and debugging
11.7 Outlook

12 JADE Semantics Framework (link to companion material)

12.1 FIPA-SL language
12.2 Interpretation engine
12.3 Basic semantic agent
12.4 Specializing the interpretation activity
12.5 Customizing belief handling
12.6 Handling Actions
12.7 Synthesizing standard and advanced use of the JSA
12.8 Conclusions

13 A Selection of Other Relevant Tools

13.1 The Bean Generator
13.3 The Java Sniffer
13.4 JADEX – engineering goal-oriented agents

APPENDIX A Command Line Options

A.1 Syntax
A.2 Options to launch containers and main containers
A.3 General Options
A.4 Options of the JADE kernel-level services
A.5 Options related to MTPs
A.6 Options to configure the yellow page DF service
A.7 Options specific to the JADE-LEAP platform
A.8 Extending the command line with user-defined options

APPENDIX B List of Symbols and Acronyms



FIPA Specifications

JADE™ and related logos are a registered trademark of Telecom Italia S.p.A. (formerly Telecom Italia)

Developing Multi-Agent Systems with JADE
Fabio Luigi Bellifemine, Giovanni Caire, Dominic Greenwood
© 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd