REM To launch the platform, the user must first set their local Java CLASSPATH,
REM i.e. the set of directories and Java archive files where the Java Virtual Machine
REM will look for bytecode (i.e. the. class and. jar files). Issues relating to the CLASSPATH REM remain the topic of many questions received from JADE beginners, with the most typical
REM concerning ClassNotFound exceptions caused by incorrect configuration of the CLASSPATH
REM parameter.
REM Also, remember that in order to load an agent on the platform, its class file must also
REM be reachable via the CLASSPATH.
REM This batch file sets the HOME directory where you have installed JADE
REM and then includes into the CLASSPATH all .jar files.
REM It also includes the classes directory where the examples of this book will be compiled
set JADE_HOME=c:\projects\jade
set CLASSPATH=%JADE_HOME%\lib\jade.jar;%JADE_HOME%\lib\jadeTools.jar;%JADE_HOME%\lib\http.jar;%JADE_HOME%\lib\iiop.jar;%JADE_HOME%\lib\commons-codec\commons-codec-1.3.jar;%JADE_HOME%\classes;classes