// This behaviour regularly increases the buying price.
TickerBehaviour adjustPriceBehaviour = …;
// This method returns true if the ISBN is the one of the book to buy and the price
// is acceptable.
boolean isAcceptable(Constant isbn, Constant price) {…}
class PriceProposalSIP extends ApplicationSpecificSIPAdapter {
public PriceProposalSIP() {
super(BookBuyerCapabilities.this, "(B ??myself (selling_price ??isbn ??price ??seller))");
protected ArrayList doApply(MatchResult applyResult, ArrayList result, SemanticRepresentation sr) {
final Constant isbn = (Constant)applyResult.term("isbn");
final Constant price = (Constant)applyResult.term("price");
if (isAcceptable(isbn, price)) {
try {
result.add(new SemanticRepresentation((Formula) SLPatternManip.instantiate(I_DONE_SELL_ACTION,
"actor", applyResult.term("seller"),
"isbn", isbn,
"price", price,
"buyer", getAgentName()))),
catch(Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
// After committing to buy the book, the SIP becomes useless
return result;