class BookSellerAgentCapabilities extends SemanticCapabilities {
protected KBase setupKbase() {
FilterKBase kb = (FilterKBase) super.setupKbase();
// 1. Assertion filter to handle the not_for_sale predicate
kb.addKBAssertFilter(new KBAssertFilterAdapter("(B ??myself (not (for_sale ??isbn ??seller)))") {
public Formula doApply(Formula formula, MatchResult match) {
Term isbn = match.term("isbn");
myKBase.retractFormula(ISBN_FORMULA.instantiate("isbn", isbn));
myKBase.retractFormula(TITLE_FORMULA.instantiate("isbn", isbn));
myKBase.retractFormula(SELLING_PRICE_FORMULA.instantiate("isbn", isbn));
myKBase.retractFormula(SELLING_DELAY_FORMULA.instantiate("isbn", isbn));
return new TrueNode();
// 2. Assertion filter to handle the selling_price predicate
kb.addKBAssertFilter(new KBAssertFilterAdapter("(B ??myself (selling_price ??isbn ??price ??seller))") {
public Formula doApply(Formula formula, MatchResult match) {
Term isbn = match.term("isbn");
myKBase.retractFormula(SELLING_PRICE_FORMULA.instantiate("isbn", isbn));
return formula;
// 3. Query filter to check if a string is a substring of another one
kb.addKBQueryFilter(new KBQueryFilterAdapter("(B ??myself (zsubstr ??str ??substr))") {
public MatchResult doApply(Formula formula, MatchResult match) {
// The parameters of the zsubstr predicate must be instantiated
String str = ((Constant)match.term("str")).stringValue();
String substr = ((Constant)match.term("substr")).stringValue();
return ( str.indexOf(substr) != -1 ) ? match : null;
return kb;