REM This batch file launches a new container with two MTPs:
REM – an HTTP MTP listening at the URL https://localhost:8080/acc and
REM – an IIOP MTP listening at the default address.
REM CORRIGENDUM: The book uses the option ‘-mtps’ while the right option is ‘-mtp’
REM Notice that a keystore file and password must be specified on the command line
REM in order to a certificate to the HTTPS MTP. If you do not have a cetificate
REM signed by a Certificate Authority, you can use the Java keytool
REM to create a self-signed certificate. This is the command line to use:
REM keytool -genkey -alias name -keystore filename
REM see also the HTTP MTP tutorial on the JADE Web Site.
call 01setClassPath
cd ..
set PLATFORM_HOST=localhost
java jade.Boot -mtp jade.mtp.http.MessageTransportProtocol(https://localhost:8080/acc);jade.mtp.iiop.MessageTransportProtocol -container -host %PLATFORM_HOST% -jade_mtp_http_https_keyStoreFile keyStore.txt -jade_mtp_http_https_keyStorePass JADEBook