REM If a file named ‘sniffer.inf’ exists in the current working directory or in a parent of
REM the working directory, it is read by the Sniffer Agent at launch time and treated as a
REM list of agents to sniff and, optionally, a filter on the performatives of the ACL messages.
REM The format of this file is a simple sequence of lines, where each line contains an agent name REM and, optionally, a list of performatives.
REM The wildcard symbols ‘*’ and ‘?’ can also be used according to their usual regular expression
REM meaning. For instance, a file ‘sniffer.inf’ with the following content:
REM ams inform propose
REM d*
REM tells the sniffer to sniff the following agents: the platform AMS (selecting only those
REM ACL messages whose performative is inform or propose), and any agent whose name starts
REM with ‘d’ (with no filter on the message performatives).
call 01setClassPath
cd ..
del /Q sniffer.inf
echo ams inform propose > sniffer.inf
echo d* >> sniffer.inf
set PLATFORM_HOST=localhost
java jade.Boot -container -host %PLATFORM_HOST% mySniffer2:jade.tools.sniffer.Sniffer
del /Q sniffer.inf