Chapter 5

Programming with JADE – Advanced Features Companion Material

If you wish so, you can download all these support files on your computer in a single .zip file. Notice that all provided .bat files are for a Windows computer.

Remind that you need to download and install JADE before you start.

set the CLASSPATH variable (remind to edit the .bat file to set the directory where you installed JADE on your computer)

This companion material shows you how to:

BookTrading Example

  • BookTradingOntologyBookTradingVocabulary, example of a Java class representing an ontological object
  • All Source files of the BookTrading example. The source files have been annotated with comments reporting where in the book each feature is described. Some parts of the source files (e.g. the GUIs) have not been described in the book as they are out of scope: it is just pure Java programming, no special feature is added by JADE.
  • The source files can be compiled by using this script …
  • … and the example can also be launched by using this script. It launches a JADE platform with 2 Seller Agents, 2 Buyer Agents, a Sniffer Agent to sniff their conversations, and the JADE RMA console. Use the GUIs to put book titles on sale/buy and specify the min/max cost and the time by which you want the negotation to be terminated.
  • Notice that the example should be appreciated for the description of the JADE features rather than for the application per-se or for the implemented negotation strategies (which are very trivial for teaching purposes).

Composing Behaviours to create complex tasks (section 5.2, pag. 91)

All these source files can be compiled by using this script.

Threaded Behaviours (section 5.3, pag. 99)

Interaction Protocols (section 5.4, pag. 100)

Interacting with the AMS (section 5.5, pag. 107)

Starting JADE from an external Java Application (section 5.6, pag. 111)

JADE™ and related logos are a registered trademark of Telecom Italia S.p.A. (formerly Telecom Italia)

Developing Multi-Agent Systems with JADE Fabio Luigi Bellifemine, Giovanni Caire, Dominic Greenwood © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd