* Section 5.2.1, Page 92
* This is the ThreeStepBehaviour class presented in Section 4.2.2
* reimplemented by using the SequentialBehaviour class.
import jade.core.behaviours.*;
import jade.core.Agent;
public class ThreeStepBehaviourAgent extends Agent {
public void setup() {
SequentialBehaviour threeStepBehaviour = new SequentialBehaviour(this);
threeStepBehaviour.addSubBehaviour(new OneShotBehaviour(this) {
public void action() {
// perform operation X
System.out.println("operation X ");
} );
threeStepBehaviour.addSubBehaviour(new OneShotBehaviour(this) {
public void action() {
// perform operation Y
System.out.println("operation Y ");
} );
threeStepBehaviour.addSubBehaviour(new OneShotBehaviour(this) {
public void action() {
// perform operation Z
System.out.println("operation Z ");
} );