Programme Event and Links to presentations:
At this year’s AAMAS in Utrecht, the JADE Board will host a five hour event to present and discuss recent extensions to JADE and future development plans. The event will take place on Friday 29th July at 10:30 am following Johan van Benthem’s invited talk. The room location will be announced as soon as possible.
The following is the detailed Programme Event.
10:30 – 10:50 Introduction, Giovanni Caire, Telecom Italia
This short session will provide an introduction to JADE for newcomers including how to engage in the community whether by proposing ideas for add-ons or applications, or becoming a user/developer. There will also be a brief presentation listing some of the current use cases of JADE along with IST projects making use of it. The session will be completed with a mention of some of the latest improvements and refinements to JADE, the immediate to-do list and projections of future features based on requirements expressed by the community.
10:50 – 11:50 JADE Semantic Framework, Thierry Martinez and Louis Vincent, France Telecom Research
Taking centre stage of this workshop will be this tutorial concerning the new JADE Semantic Framework developed by France Telecom. This facility offers a powerful means of creating JADE agents by simplifying the complexities of FIPA-ACL semantics. With this new add-on it will become possible to implement semantic agents that conform to the formal semantics of FIPA-ACL. By providing the appropriate mechanisms to handle these semantics, the add-on improves the mechanisms of interoperability between JADE agents and simplifies their programming. In fact, JADE developers do not need to make any effort in managing the exact meaning of a received ACL message, which is particularly helpful while handling complex performatives such as a “subscribe”.
11:50 – 12:30 JADE Web Services Integration Gateway, Dominic Greenwood,Whitestein Technologies AG
This session will discuss the Web Service Integration Gateway (WSIG) developed by Whitestein Technologies and released with JADE version 3.3. The WSIG enables seamless, bidirectional communication between JADE agents and Web services. It is currently configured to work with the standard Web service technology stack (WSDL, UDDI and SOAP) although the presentation will also discuss a forthcoming version that incorporates OWL-S for more powerful semantic manipulation of Web services by JADE agents.
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 14:10 JADE Kernel-level services, Giovanni Caire and Alois Reitbauer,Telecom Italia – Profactor
This JADE kernel-level services tutorial will feature a step-by-step guide to the design and creation of platform services for JADE. This is a topic for which we have received many requests for greater elaboration and this tutorial is designed to address several of these open questions.
14:10 – 14:50 Open Discussion Session
This final session will provide the opportunity to hear from JADE practitioners and users wishing to share their experiences in an open discussion. We anticipate some short presentations of user experiences, application examples and requirements and would ask any members of the community wishing to make a statement to prepare a couple of slides to help guide discussion of their issue.
15:00 Conclusions and Close