More Information on the DF

The DF GUI offers access to DF features using the menu bar and the tool bar visible.The gui shows a tabbed pane with three different views of the funciotns provided by a Directory Facilitator. Three views are:

  • Registrations with this DF:  shows a table with all the agents registered with the DF. 
  • Search Result: shows a table with the list of agent descriptors that were returned as a result of the last search operation on a speficied DF.
  • DF Federation: shows the DF federation. The Parents table shows the list of DF’s with which this DF is federated, while the Children table shows the list of DF’s that are registered with this DF.

The menus available are:

1.General Menu
This menu contains the general commands that are always allowed from any of the three views:

  1. Exit DF This item terminates the DF agent, invoking its doDelete() method.
  2. Close GUI This item only distroy the GUI of this DF.

3.Super DF 
For this two menus according to the view (tab selected) the actions have a their proper meaning.



1.Catalogue Menu:

  1. View ( ) This item permits to view the description of the selected agent from the table.
  2. Modify () This item of the menu allows to modify the description of the selected agent.
  3. Register () This item  permits to register an agent with the DF. The user is then requested to fill in an agent description, notice that some values are mandatory for registration.
  4. Deregister () This item allows to deregister an agent selected in the table. 
  5. Search () This item allows to search for agent descriptions with this DF. The user must first insert the constraints to used in the search operation: the maximun depth of propagation of the search on the federate df (children) and the maximum number of result waiting for.If no values are inserted qill be used the deafult search constraints (local search with this Df and all agent found returned). Then the user must specify an agent description and so  the search action returns all the active agents matching this description (If no value is inserted all the active agents registered will be returned). 

2.Super DF:

  1. Federate () This function allows to federate this DF with another DF. First of all, the user must provide the full name of the DF with which to federate and then the description of this DF that must be registered with the specified DF

2. Search Result:

1.Catalogue Menu:

  1. View  This item allows to view the description of a selected agent on the table of the results.
  2. Modify This item permits to modify the description of the selected agent with the df with which it is registered.
  3. Register Register a new agent with the df on which the search operation was made.
  4. Deregister Deregister the selected agent with the proper df.
  5. Search  (see above) 

2. Super DF:

  1. Federate (see above)

3. DF Federation:

1.Catalogue Menu:

  1. View  This item allows to view the description of an agent selected in one of the two tables. If the agent selected is a parent, then the description of this DF  used to register with this parent  is shown. Otherwise if the selected agent is a child, then the description of this child DF is shown.
  2. Register  Permits to register a new agent with the DF selected.
  3. Deregister This item allows to make a deregister action. If the selected agent is a parent then this DF is deregistered from the selected one, otherwise, if the agent selected is a child, this child is deregistered from this DF. 
  4. Search This item permits to make a search with the DF selected in one of the tables. 

2. Super DF:

  1. Federate  This item allows to federate this DF with the selected one. 

JADE is a trademark of TILAB (formerly CSELT). 
 has been developed jointly by TILAB (formerly CSELT) and the Computer Engineering Group of the University of Parma