Tutorial 2: Starting JADE

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This tutorial describes how to launch the JADE runtime and provides a brief description of the main features of the JADE administration GUI.
As described in previous section launching the JADE runtime means creating a Container. Such container can then contain agents that can be started directly at container startup time or later on e.g. through the JADE Management GUI. Moreover, being the first container in the platform, such container MUST be the platform Main Container

This section assumes you have downloaded the JADE binary distribution (JADE-bin-4.0.zip), the JADE source distribution (JADE-src-4.0.zip) and the JADE examples distribution (JADE-examples-4.0.zip). Once you have unzipped them somewhere on your disk you should end up with a directory structure similar to that below:

The JADE runtime can be launched in several ways. The easiest way is to open a shell (a DOS prompt in Windows), move to the jade directory and type

java -cp lib\jade.jar jade.Boot -gui

You should see an output similar to that below.

We will go back to this output in next sections. For the moment just note the two information highlighted with dotted red circles. The first one indicates the host (typically the local host) and port (1099 by default) where the Main Container accepts incoming connections from other containers (e.g. requests to join the platform as discussed in next section). It is possible to make JADE use a different port by means of the -local-port <a-port> option. For instance to make the Main Container accept incoming connections from other containers on port 1111 it would be sufficient to type the command line below.

java -cp lib\jade.jar jade.Boot -gui -local-port 1111

Similarly it is possible to make JADE use a different host name/address with respect to that read from the underlying network stack by means of the -local-host <host-name-or-address> option. This is typically useful when dealing with network environments where hosts can be reached only by specifying hostnames including the network domain (e.g. jade.tilab.com instead of just avalon) as exemplified below

java -cp lib\jade.jar jade.Boot -gui -local-host jade.tilab.com

The second highlighted information is the name of the newly started Container (remember that the Main Container is itself a Container). By default the name assigned to a Main Container is "Main Container". You can explicitly assign a name to a Container (regardless of it is a Main or peripheral Container) by means of the -container-name <a-name> option.

Since we specified the -gui option, the JADE Management Console depicted in Figure 2 should also appear.

Figure 1. The JADE Management Console

In the left part of the Management Console you can see a tree showing that there is a Platform called <Main-Container-host>:<Main-Container-port>/JADE (note that, by the fact the we launched a Main Container, we actually created a Platform) that is composed of a single Container called Main Container, that, on its turn, contains three agents:

  • The ams activated by default since we launched a Main Container
  • The df activated by default since we launched a Main Container
  • The rma (Remote Management Agent) i.e. the agent implementing the JADE Management Console itself

Looking at agent names we see that they have the form


It is possible to set a different platform name by means of the -platform-id <a-platform-name> configuration option as in the command line below.

java -cp lib\jade.jar jade.Boot -gui -platform-id MyPlatform

If we did that, agents would have been calledams@MyPlatformdf@MyPlatform and rma@MyPlatform respectively.

Shutting Down the Platform

In order to shut the platform down, in the Management Gui, choose File --> Shut down Agent Platform and then select Yes when prompted for confirmation.

Running Some Agents

In this section we will start some agents and we will make them communicate. In particular we will use the DummyAgent, a ready-made agent (included among the JADE tools) that can be used to send and receive custom messages, and the PingAgent, an example included in the JADE examples distribution. The latter (as all JADE examples) must be compiled first.

Compiling the PingAgent

The sources of the PingAgent are included in the src\examples\PingAgent directory. To compile them (as for any Java source files) it is possible to type

javac -classpath lib\jade.jar -d classes src\examples\PingAgent\*.java

If you have ANT installed, however you can simply type

ant examples

This will compile all JADE examples at once and put the generated .class files into the classes directory.

Starting the PingAgent

Agents can be started in two ways: directly from the command line (at container startup time) by means of the -agents option, or later on by means of the Management GUI

In both cases, unless we use more sophisticated features such as Agent Mobility or Jar-packaged-agents which are out of the scope of this tutorial (see the JADE Administrator’s Guide for details), the agent classes must be included in the classpath of the Container where we want to start them.

Starting agents using the command line

In the shell type the command line below

java -cp lib\jade.jar;classes jade.Boot -gui -agents ping1:examples.PingAgent.PingAgent 

Note that the classpath includes JADE classes (lib\jade.jar) and the previously compiled classes of the examples (classes). Note also that the value of the -agents option takes the form


Using JADE terminology, this is called an “Agent Specifier”. More than one agent can be started by just typing several agent specifiers separated by a semicolon (‘;’) as in the example below

java -cp lib\jade.jar;classes jade.Boot -gui -agents ping1:examples.PingAgent.PingAgent;ping2:examples.PingAgent.PingAgent 

The above example also shows that you can start several agents sharing the same class. Each one will have its name and will operate independently from the others.

If you typed everything correctly you should see the RMA Management GUI appearing again. Expanding the tree, besides the usual amsdf and rma, you should also see an agent called ping1. This is our PingAgent.
The PingAgent is a very simple agent waiting for messages. If a REQUEST message with content ping is received, an INFORM message with content pong is sent back. If any other message is received, a NOT_UNDERSTOODmessage is sent back. Refer to the JADE Programming Tutorial for an explanation on message format (defined by the ACL language specified by FIPA) and for details about how to program agents so that they are able to send and receive messages.

Starting agents using the Management Console

Let’s now start a second PingAgent using the Management Console. Right-click on the Main Container (currently we only have this container in our platform and as a consequence we can only start agents there). In the popup menu select the Start New Agent item. A dialog box similar to that depicted in Figure 2 appears. Type the name (ping2) and the fully qualified class name (examples.PingAgent.PingAgent) then press OK. The ping2 agent should appear in the RMA Management Console under the Main Container.

Figure 2. The Start New Agent dialog box

The Dummy Agent

At this point we have two PingAgents, ping1 and ping2, waiting for messages. Now we will use the Dummy Agent, a ready-made “tool” agent that allows sending/receiving custom messages, to stimulate them. Besides the Dummy Agent, JADE provides other useful tool agents. The Sniffer Agent that allows inspecting conversations between agents, the Introspector or Debugger Agent that allows inspecting the internals of an agent (e.g. the tasks it is currently executing) and the Log Manager Agent that allows changing the log levels of classes at runtime. Tool agents can be started as we did for the Ping Agent. However they have a shortcut button in the RMA GUI. So let’s click on the Start DummyAgent button in the upper right toolbar of the Management Console. A DummyAgent called da0 should be created and its GUI should appear as depicted in Figure 3.

Figure 3. The DummyAgent GUI

The form in the left part of the DummyAgent GUI shows the slots of an ACL Message. All slots, but the Communicative Act are optional.
So select the REQUEST communicative act, type ping in the Content slot and finally select a receiver for the message: e.g. ping1. In order to do that, right-click in the Receivers text area and select the Add menu item. A dialog box similar to that depicted in Figure 4 should appear.

Figure 4. The AID editing dialog box


As you can see from this dialog box an agent is fully identified by an AID (Agent Identifier). The AID contains a unique name, that, as already mentioned, has the form <local-name>@<platform-name>, plus some (possibly none) transport addresses. Actually there are also other information. These however are there just for compliance with the FIPA specification: you can forget about them. Addresses are used only when communication occurs between agents living in different platforms as will be described in Tutorial 4. Whenever the communication occurs between agents belonging to the same platform only agent names are used. So fill in the form in the manner shown and click the OK button. Checking the box beside the NAME text field means that we are specifying the agent local-name only. JADE will append the @<platform-name> automatically.

Send a message

Finally click the button with the message icon in the DummyAgent GUI. In the right pane of the DummyAgent GUI two lines appear, one red, the other blue. The most recent is the topmost. Blue refers to sent messages, red to received messages. You should see something similar to that depicted in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Sent and received messages in the DummyAgent GUI

You can examine the received INFORM message (sent by the ping1 agent) by selecting it and then clicking the button with the “glasses” icon. As mentioned before the ping1 agent replied with “pong”.

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