The Main Window
This is the main Canvas. Grey and red rectangles represent the agents. Green lines and red numbers represent the timeline. Blue arrows represent the message sent: they start from the sender and end to the receiver of the sniffed message. You can view the sniffed message by double-clicking on the arrow.
The Selection Agents Window
This is Selection Agents window. Every line at the right of the icon represents an agent: the user can select any number of agents and sniff them by typing ALT+S or selectingDo Sniff This Agent(s)from the Actions menu. To unsniff the agents the user must select them then typeALT+N or select Do Not Sniff This Agent(s) from the Actions menu. To add or remove an agent from the canvas without sniffing – unsniffing it the user has only to double-click on the name.
JADE is a trademark of TILAB (formerly CSELT).
JADE has been developed jointly by TILAB (formerly CSELT) and the Computer Engineering Group of the University of Parma