This page contains all add-ons for JADE. These are additional modules implementing features that are not required to run JADE, but which provide interesting new pieces of functionality.
On this additional page you can find 3rd party software, which can be used with JADE.
How to contribute?
Contributions from the JADE community are always welcome and the entire JADE Team tries to make its best effort to integrate them into the JADE main stream. Those users wishing to contribute code are invited to post an e-mail to
Add-ons have a uniform style that simplifies users in using, compiling, and accessing their documentation. In particular, an add-on is required to have the following structure of sub-directories:
– src (this is the directory that contains all the source files of the add-on)
– doc (this is the directory where the API documentation of the add-on must be created by the ant build process)
– lib (this is the directory where the .jar file of the add-on must be created by the ant build process)
– classes (this is the directory where the .class files of the add-on must be created by the ant build process)
Furthermore, each add-on must include a file called build.xml which is an ant build file with the following targets:
– compile (default target) to create all the .class files
– lib to create the .jar file of this add-on
– doc to create all the javadoc files
– dist to create the file with the distribution of this add-on. This file must be created into the jade/add-ons directory and must not include the .class files and in general all those files that can be created through the ant build process. If the compilation of the add-on requires some external libraries, a proper indication should be printed explaining which settings must be done before compiling the add-on.
It is desirable to have a short tutorial (possibly an HTML file) that includes the following information:
– author, date, Java platform and JADE version used
– brief description of what the add-on does (i.e. why it should be used by users)
– instructions on how to install the add-on, how to compile it, and how to configure
JADE add-ons tested by the JADE team
Note that we recommend to extract the files by using the 'jar xvf'
command rather than the winzip application because some incompatibilities have been reported in the past.
File size
Last update
19.5 MB
Dec. 2022
The LEAP add-on allows deploying JADE agents on Java enabled cell-phones. Look at the LEAP User Guide for a complete description of how to use it | |
123 KB
Jun. 2012
The JADE-OSGi add-on allows running JADE agents in an OSGi environment. Look at the JADE-OSGi Guide for a complete description of how to use it | |
19.8 MB |
Jun. 2017 |
JADE Board
The Web Service Integration Gateway add-on allows automatically exposing agent services registered with the DF as Web Services. Look at the WSIG guide for details |
4.0 MB |
Dec. 2014 |
The Web Service Dynamic Client add-on allows invoking web services without any previous class generation step. Look at the WSDC guide for details |
407 KB
Dec. 2022
JADE Community
The JADE-MISC add-on includes a number of utility classes that support additional functionalities not natively included in the JADE distribution. | |
370 KB |
Jul. 2011 |
G. Fortino and F. Rango (DEIS – Università della Calabria)
The DistilledStateChartBehaviour is a new JADE behaviour that allows defining agent behaviour through a particular hierarchical state machine called “Distilled StateChart (DSC)”. DSCs are obtained from the famous Statecharts formalism (Harel 1987) to model the agent behaviour as a set of consistent states and transitions, driven by events, to which specific actions are associated. | |
5.4 MB |
Feb. 2009 |
France Telecom (JADE Board) |
This new add-on aims at taking better benefit from the semantic dimension of the FIPA-ACL language. See Tutorial |
2.5 MB |
Oct. 2006 |
Rockwell Automation, Inc. |
This new add-on is a stand alone Java application that can remotely connect to running JADE systems and is intended as a more powerful alternative to JADE’s built-in sniffer (documentation included in the add-on) | |
1.8 MB |
Jun. 2017 |
JADE Board
This add-on allows deploying JADE-based system where each component (agents, containers) is owned by an authenticated user. | |
90 KB |
Jun. 2012 |
Eduard Drenth (Logica)
This add-on allows making sure only agents with a token that can be validated will be allowed to join the Jade Platform. | |
662 KB |
Jun. 2007 |
C.J.van Aart
The ontology bean generator plugin is a Protégé Tab widget which generates java files representing an ontology that can be used with the JADE environment. With the beangenerator tool you can generate FIPA/JADE compliant ontologies from RDF(S), XML and Protégé projects | |
660 KB |
Mar. 2007 |
JADE Board
This add-on allows connecting a Microsoft .NET Compact Framework application to a JADE based Multi Agent System and comumunicating with remote JADE agents exchanging ACL messages. | |
490 KB |
Feb. 2007 |
JADE Team |
This add-on allows persisting the state of agents on a relational DB via Hibernate | |
4.0 MB |
Mar. 2006 |
Aachen University of Technology |
The ASCML is a JADE Agent which facilitates the configuration and deployment of agent societies. |
104 KB
Dec. 2000
This add-on includes a FIPA compliant IIOP MTP based on the ORBACUS ORB. See tutorial |
58 KB
Sep. 2013
This add-on includes an ACL Codec able to encode/decode ACLMessages according to the XML syntax defined by FIPA. See tutorial |
420 KB
Jan. 2008
This add-on includes a J2SE and MIDP compatible ACL Codec able to encode/decode ACLMessages according to the bit-efficient syntax defined by FIPA. See tutorial |
295 KB
Jan. 2008
This add-on includes a J2SE and MIDP compatible bit-efficient codec for FIPA message Envelopes that is used by the CASCOM HTTP Mtp add-on | ||
1.8 MB
Jan. 2008
This add-on includes – a modified version of the JADE HTTP MTP (version 3.3) allowing usage of different message envelope encodings (currently the bit-efficient Envelope Codec). – the CASCOM Message Gateway for using the MTP in private and unreliable wireless networks, e.g in 3G-networks. |
47 KB
Dec. 2022
This add-on includes a content language Codec able to encode/decode content expressions according to a syntax based on XML. See tutorial |
Dec 2003
This add-on includes a content language Codec able to encode/decode content expressions according to a syntax based on RDF. | |
869 KB |
Dec. 2022 |
LGPL | This add-on includes a framework designed to implement and execute in a uniform and automatic way integration tests for JADE-based agent systems. The JADE Test Suite is also used by the JADE team to test JADE itself. Developers discovering bugs, problems or unexpected behaviors using JADE are encouraged to provide tests that can be executed by this test suite. |
60 KB
Jul. 2002
This add-on includes a set of classes and configuration files that allow benchmarking the performances of the JADE Message Transport System in different situations (same container, different containers in the same platform, different platforms…) and under different communication loads. See tutorial |
40 KB
Mar. 2003
Claudiu Anghel
This add-on includes an example and a set of utilities that facilitate the execution of JADE agents within applets. See tutorial |
1.2 MB
Apr. 2017
Grupo de Tecnología Informática-Inteligencia Artificial at the Universitat Politècnica of Valencia, Miguel Escrivà, Javier Palanca and Vicent Botti (DSIC)
A JADE MTP (Message Transport Protocol) based upon Jabber, an Instant Messaging (IM) protocol designed to sustain lengthy bidirectional communications among entities on the Internet. | |
152 KB
Jun. 2017
Joan Ametller-EsquerraJordi Cucurull-Juan |
The InterPlatformMobilityService (IPMS) is a JADE Kernel service that allows agents to migrate between different JADE platforms. From developers point of view inter-platform mobility is identical to the Container-to-Container mobility natively supported by JADE. The only difference is that a PlatformID is specified as destination location instead of a ContainerID. See the readme file for more details.The IPMS was origially developed by the Universita Autonoma de Barcelona and is now hosted by the JADE Team. | |
23 KB
Dec. 2022
JADE Team |
New Add-On KafkaMessaging that provides a concrete implementation of the MomMessagingService class and allows replacing the native JADE MessagingService with a Kafka cluster. | |
2.2 MB | Jul. 2010 |
This add-on allows creating JADE-based applications for the Google Android Operating System (see the JADE_ANDROID User Guide). |
55 KB
Jul. 2002
Daniel Le Berre
Source code and jar file of a library of tags for using JADE within JSP pages. |
166 KB
Mar. 2003
This add-on includes a number of classes that have been removed in JADE3.0b1. Look at the Tutorial on how to upgrade user code to JADE3.0b1 for information about how to use it |