Jade Download

From this page you can now download JADE.
We suggest to unzip the files by using the ‘jar xvf’ command rather than the winzip application because some incompatibilities have been reported in the past.

Current version of JADE is 4.6.0 (07/12/2022).

Look at the ChangeLog for the list of improvements with respect to the previous versions.

Note: All the binaries (lib/*.jar) have been generated by using the JDK1.6 compiler.

~ File size
Description of the content
18.7 MB
This file contains all JADE, i.e. it is just composed of the 4 files below. If it is too large for downloading, the 4 files below might be downloaded instead.
2.5 MB
This file contains JADE already compiled and ready to be used, i.e. a set of JAVA archive JAR files.
13.8 MB
This file contains all the JADE documentation included the Administrator’s Guide and and the Programmer’s Guide. NOTICE THAT all the documentation is also available on-line.
2.3 MB
This file contains all the JADE source code.
505 KB
This file contains the source code of the examples and a simple demo. All the examples and demo must be compiled.


Since version 3.0b1, the LEAP add-on of JADE is also managed by the JADE team. This add-on, when combined with JADE, replaces some parts of the JADE kernel forming a modified version of the JADE runtime environment (the JADE-LEAP platform) that can be deployed on a wide range of devices varying from servers to Java enabled cell phones (J2ME-CLDC-MIDP1.0). It is important to note that, though different internally, JADE-LEAP provides the same API as JADE and therefore agents developed for JADE can run on JADE-LEAP and vice-versa with NO modifications at all. JADE-LEAP can be directly downloaded from this page following the links below. Look at the LEAPUserGuide available in the On-line documentation page of this site for more details.

~ File size
Description of the content
19.5 MB This file contains the source code and the examples of LEAP add-on.
JadeLeapPjava 1.2 MB This file contains the version of JADE-LEAP (JADE combined with the LEAP add-on) to be executed on PDAs and smart phones running PersonalJava (or the J2ME-CDC-Personal Profile).
JadeLeapMidp 662 KB This file contains the version of JADE-LEAP (JADE combined with the LEAP add-on) to be executed on cell phones running J2ME-CLDC-MIDP1.0 or 2.0.
JadeLeapAndroid 1.7 MB This file contains the version of JADE-LEAP (JADE combined with the LEAP add-on) to be executed on cell phones running Android 2.1 or later.


Since version 3.7, JADE is integrated with the OSGi technology. The JADE-OSGi bundle, that allows starting a JADE container inside an OSGi environemnt, creating agents on it, packaging agents code into separated bundles and givig agents access to all typical OSGi features, can be directly downloaded at the links below together with the JADE-OSGi add-on that allows interested people in recompiling/re-creating the JADE-OSGi bundle.

~ File size
Description of the content
2.7 MB The JADE-OSGi bundle that can be directly installed in whatever OSGi framework compliant to the release 3.4.0 (or later) of OSGi.
JADE-OSGi Add-on 123 KB This file contains the JADE-OSGi add-on that includes the JADE-OSGi specific sources and must be downloaded to re-compile/re-create the JADE-OSGi bundle.


JADE is further enriched with a number of additional useful features, such as Web Service integration and inter-platform mobility, implemented by add-ons (directly maintained on the JADE web site) and third party contributions that can be downloaded from this page.

Remember that the minimal requirement to run JADE is Java 5.

In order to test the installation, just try the following command from the jade root directory:

  • java -cp lib\jade.jar jade.Boot -gui

The GUI of the remote management agent should appear.