This page contains JADE-related software developed by various users from the JADE community.
The shown information is that reported by the developers themselves. The JADE team is not responsible for the correctness of this information neither for the legal correctness of the license.
JADE 4.3.2 | Stefano Mariani | LGPL | TuCSoN4JADE (T4J for short) is a Java library enabling JADE agents to exploit TuCSoN coordination services wrapped as an ad-hoc API into a JADE kernel service. TuCSoN is a Java-based middleware providing software agents with coordination as a service via programmable logic tuple spaces, called tuple centres. By combining TuCSoN and JADE, T4J aims at providing MAS engineers with a full-featured MAS middleware, enabling them to exploit both dimensions of agent-oriented software engineering (individual, through JADE agents; social, via TuCSoN tuple centres) in a complete and well-balanced way. |
JADE 3.4 Oct 2006 |
Universita Autonoma de Barcelona | LGPL | This is a JADE kernel service that allows agents to migrate between different JADE platforms. See README | |
Jade 3.6 May 2008 |
MTA SZTAKI | LGPL 2.1 | This MTP enables Jade platforms to communicate via SOAP messages instead of HTTP or IIOP. It uses Apache CXF for sending and receiving SOAP messages. The approach is pretty simple: it manages the ACL envelope and payload as two SOAP message parameters. There is no mapping of ACL envelope to SOAP headers, so SOAP headers remain free to be used as necessary by the hosting environment. | |
JADE 3.5 Feb 2008 |
Jaran Nilsen(Integrasco A/S) | GPL | jade4spring is an open source project, released under the GPL license, which provides easy integration of the JADE framework in Spring application contexts | |
JADE 3.5 Oct 2007 |
Bernhard Schiemann(Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg) | GPL | The JADEOWLCodec lets agents (and MAS) communicate in OWL DL (the semantic web language). It works with the DL-reasoner RACER and covers the developement of knowledge based agents. Additionally questions about revision of A-Boxes (concrete DB-like data) and merging T-Boxes are adressed. See the HowTo page and the examples given in the source code for more information | |
JADE 3.4 Jul 2006 |
Maciej Gawinecki(Systems Research Institute – Polish Academy of Sciences) | GPL | The tool aims in debugging agent-based system supporting developers, who can be distributed across multiple locations, by letting them know what type of an error occurred and where it happened (together with extended localization info: agent’s name, the host and the container where it resides and the team it belongs too). The proposed system was implemented on top of the JADE agent platform, and is based on a commonly-used Log4j library. Therefore it supports: browsing and filtering logs, dynamic attaching of logging service and normative agents, simplicity of use and rich configuration. | |
JadeX | JADE 3.0b1 | Alexander Pokahr, Lars Braubach, Univ. Hamburg |
LGPL | Jadex (JADE extension) is a rational agent layer on top of JADE that allows for the easy development of rational agents. Intelligent agents follow a modelling paradigm, based on the notion of agents with mental states. The Jadex system realizes these concepts following the well-known belief, desire, intention (BDI) model at the design and implementation layer. |
JADE 3.3 Aug 2005 |
David Bernstein (Caboodle Networks) | LGPL | jademx is an open source implementation of Java JMX access for JADE software agents. This allows a JADE agent to expose attributes, operations, and notifications in a JMX-compliant manner as a DynamicMBean, as well as providing a convenient method for deploying JADE agents (regardless of whether the JADE agents are jademx-aware), particularly in a J2EE environment. Also, jademx exposes predefined access to both the JADE platform and agents.Tutorial |
BlueJade | JADE 2.6 | Dick Cowan | LGPL | This package enables the JADE (version 2.6) agent platform to be managed as a service under the JBoss(version 3.0) J2EE application server.Anders Nygaard and Jaran Nilsen describe how to use BlueJADE with later versions of JBoss and JADE (26/6/05). They also maintain a web site for this project. |
jmsagentgateway | JADE 3.1 Dec 2003 |
Edward Curry (ECRG, NUI, Galway) | LGPL | Allows JADE agents to interact with a JMS provider using the FIPA Subscribe Interaction Protocol. Using the gateway, agents are able to send/receive messages from queues/topics within the point-to-point and publish/subscribe message models.Public distribution Install Tutorial |
beangenerator | JADE 2.5 Feb. 2002 |
Chris van Aart | LGPL | With the beangenerator you can generate java files representing an ontology that can be used for with the JADE environment (2.5 or later). The beangenerator is implemented as a plug-in for Protege (1.6 or later). Within Protege you can import and export RDF and RDFS. With the beangenerator tool you can generate JADE compliant ontologies from RDF(S), XML and Protege projects. Detailed instructions can be found here. |
FIPA Mailbox for JADE | JADE 3.2 | Owen Cliffe(this software was supported by the EuropeAid funded @lis-technet project) | LGPL 2.1 | The package allows agents on platforms which are: – behind firewalls – on devices with non-fixed IP addresses – moving between different networks – intermittently connected to the public internet To communicate with normal platforms in a transparent way to both the sender and the receiver. The package works using an “access point” which consists of a Java Servlet running on a publicly available host (i.e. one outside the firewall) which “wraps” a standard JADE MTP (such as the HTTP MTP). The client platform then uses the fipa mailbox mtp to send and receive (by polling the servlet) messages via the server which in turn uses the wrapped MTP. More details are available on the web page. |
JADE 3.0b1
Apr. 2003 |
Edward Curry (ECRG, NUI, Galway)
MTP (Message Transport Protocol) implementation based on JMS (Java Messaging Service). Install Tutorial Interaction Tutorial |
abits-fipa-mesg | JADE 3.3 | Bernard-Joseph Roche | A small Java API that allows one-way communication to a FIPA compliant MAS. (Note: see also the jade.wrapper package distributed with JADE) |
Untraceability I Add-on | JADE 3.3 | Rafal Leszczyna European Commission Joint Research Centre |
LGPL | The add-on has been developed at European Commission Joint Research Centre as a part of a PhD Project which aims at proposing security mechanisms for software agents. Two untraceability protocols for mobile agents (a paper about the protocols is included into the package, see the file: untraceability.pdf) have been introduced. This add-on is an implementation of the first protocol. (This is the reason for the ‘I’ part in the name of the add-on). The add-on is under the subversion repository of all JADE add-ons. |
JADE 3.1 | University of California at Santa Cruz and the University of Utah |
LGPL | HSM extends the ideas of the JADE FSM. It provides a UML-based hierarchical state machine model of JADE Behaviour construction and execution. It also provides a grapical editing and simulation environment. | |
JADE FSM BUILDER | since JADE 3.2 | SIC srl Servizi Informatici | Commercial License | JADE-FSM-Builder is a tool that allows developers to build the structure of a JADE agent starting from graphical description of a Finite State Machine (FSM). It has a graphical interface that allows developers to set up their own FSM simply adding and/or removing components and setting their properties; developers can add/edit/remove states and/or trigs on the design surface, associate code to a state simply inserting it in a textbox, set start and final state, just like an IDE. More info |
ACLAnalyser | JADE 3.1 | Alberto Lopez, Juan M. Hernansaez, Juan A. Botia and Antonio G. Skarmeta(University of Murcia) |
LGPL | The ACLAnalyser is a debugger tool which allows to browse through all the FIPA messages which have been exchanged between all the agents belonging to a JADE execution. You can debug the conversations between hundreds or thousands of agents, with different and useful views and stats. |
AgentOWL | tested with JADE version 3.4 and Jena version 2.4 | Michal Laclavik PhD student atInstitute of Informatics SAS, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. |
GPL | Small library which allows JADE agent to use RDF/OWL Jena model for agent memory and for inter-agent communication. Includes example demo which show 2 agents communicating and sharing knowledge. |
art0 | jade snapshot 17-04-2002 | Eduardo G. Melguizo | GNU General Public License | art0 is a creative-artistical environment simulator. This file contains a Windows installer. For other distributions, just check this link This release of art0 uses Java 2 1.4.0. In addition to JADE, it uses iText, a PDF library written in JAVA. Thanks to the JADE snapshot, the simulation doesn’t hangs abruptly. Now you can add beings (agents) to the system in a one-by-one basis and you can order them to leave the system the same way. Some changes have been made in the interface trying to make it easier to use and understand. Support for platform connectivity has been added at the level of connecting to diferent platform information (the APDescription.txt files) and storing that information in JAVA variables and in the DF, but the use of that information is not implemented (artist and other kind of agents should be able to talk with agents from other platforms and even to move there. Also, the are different kinds of publishing services and a class “spreader” has been added. The painter doesn’t produce any artwork yet (that’s work to do, I guess 🙂 ). About any documentation…. umm, there is a tutorial in the web, and I’m still writing the manual. But the manual will be in Spanish. And my javadoc and readme.txt are a mixture of English and Spanish, too. Anyway, I hope this helps people learning and using JADE and other agent systems. |
JessAgent | JADE 3.0b1 | Michael Köllejan, Florian Schmidt, Alexander Zimmermann, Karl-Heinz Krempels | not specified | The Jess Agent is constructed in a way that allows an easy access to an expert system (JESS) via an agent. |
Symbolic Negotiation | since JADE 3.1 | Peep KüngasNorwegian University of Science and Technology | no licence | Short description: Implementation of agents, who apply symbolic negotiation for problem solving. Each agent is specified with an AI planning style specification language. If an agent is unable to solve its designated problem alone, symbolic negotiation with other agents is initiated. During symbolic negotiation agent collaboration conditions are declaratively decided. Generally it leads to distributed collaborative problem solving. A tutorial is available at the software homepage. |
WSDL2Agent | MTA SZTAKI | ? | This tool can generate a so-called proxy agent (that can then be run in in Jade agent platform) for an existing web service described by a Web Service Description Language (WSDL) file, making it possible to call web services indirectly within an agent environment. This proxy agent accepts client agent requests, calls the actual web service, and sends the results back to the client agents. | |
JADE Documentation generated by DoxyGen | Pavel Kryl | Pavel used Doxygen to have better insight into sources of JADE: sources are included right in place and are partially browsable. | ||
Linking a servlet to a JADE agentSUPERSEDED by the JadeGateway class(3/03/2006) | JADE 3.0b1 | Fabien Gandon | LGPL | This tutorial gives an example of how one may link an agent and a servlet to allow Web Applications to be interfaced with a Multi-Agent System. |
Running JADE over .NET and .NET and JADE/LEAPSUPERSEDED by the ant target dotnet in the LEAP add-on (1/8/2005) |
JADE 3.0b1 | – Martí Bayo Alemany(Yellowmap AG) – University of Utah, Agent Research Group |
Usefull instructions about how to run JADE over .NET |