JADE 2.6 released

As usual, the ChangeLog file on the web site reports the full list of modifications, where the followings are the most relevant:

  • added to the DF the support for fipa-subscribe interaction protocol and also the SubscriptionInitiator/Responder classes that can be extended by users
  • Improved the IntrospectorAgent tool with the capability of visualizing the tree of the behaviours (with the help of Brian Bremick) of a given agent
  • Added new add-on with the roundtriptime benchmark
  • Added new add-on with an embryonic JSP tag library provided by Daniel Le Berre. Further input on this tag library is welcome.
  • All the JADE documentation has been made available also on-line on the Web site.
  • Regarding backward compatibility, your applications should not be impacted by this new release apart from minor modifications reported in the ChangeLog file.

It is also available the new plug-in for security and multi-user support, even if the type of license has not yet been decided by the company. Those of you who are interested in the plug-in are kindly invited to register their interest by using this form and they will be kept informed about the license.