JADE 3.4.1 released

We are pleased to announce the release of the version 3.4.1 of JADE.

As the number suggests, this is mainly a consolidation version integrating several bug fixes and minor improvements. Most important fixes concern the selection of the XML Parser in the HTTP MTP as indicated by Krešimir Jurasovic (University of Zagreb), several improvements in the Introspector Agent and the removal of a deadlock problem in the message delivery mechanism. Furthermore the JADE-LEAP version was modified to avoid unexpected effects (e.g. sometimes the platform did not shut down or even stuck forever) when containers were terminated and then restarted with the same name.

Many add-ons were updated and in particular a sensible effort was spent in consolidating and making more usable the Persistence add-on (updated to work with Hibernate 3.x, added several checks to avoid annoying exceptions and completely revisited User Guide) and the Web Service Integration Gateway (WSIG) add-on (several bugs fixed, updated to work with the latest version of the external libraries, improved documentation and examples).

As far as the documentation is concerned a new tutorial about acessing a JADE-based Multi Agent System from a Servlet by means of the JadeGateway class was made available by Viktor Kelemen (MTA- SZTAKI).

Version 3.4.1 is expected to be fully backward compatible with version 3.4. Refer to the ChangeLog file on the web site for the full list of changes and improvements in respect to the previous version of JADE.