We are pleased to announce the release of version 4.1 of JADE and 3.0 of WADE.
As far as JADE is concerned the main enhancements included in this release are the support for declaring Alias and the command line administration interface.
Support for Alias – An agent can now create Aliases i.e. alternative names that are seen as if they were actual agents. However, when a message is sent to an alias the underlying JADE message transport system delivers it to the alias creator. The examples/messaging/alias/AliasAgent class included in the JADE examples distribution shows how to retrieve and use the MessagingHelper interface to create and manage aliases.
CLI Administration interface – This is an extensible framework that allows performing JADE-related administration actions, such as creating agents in an existing container or changing the log level of a given class, from a command line. This is particularly useful in situations where it is not possible to activate the Administration GUI (e.g. because the display is not available) or when management scripts have to be created. The CLI Administration interface is implemented by the jade.cli package included in the jadeMisc Add-On.
As far as WADE is concerned this new version represents a major step forward as it introduces new features that make WADE suitable to be used in BPM contexts where it orchestrates existing systems to implement complex processes.
Long running workflows – By this term we mean workflows that survive to the system shutdown and restart. That is if the system is shut down while a long running workflow is running, as soon as the system is restarted, the workflow is automatically resumed from the point where it was interrupted.
Support for asynchronous events – A workflow can now include “synchronization activities” that make the execution flow suspend until a given event happen.
Incoming Web Services – WADE 3.0 includes an automatic Web Service exposure mechanism that allows workflows to suspend until a given operation of an exposed Web Service is invoked by an external system.
Moreover WADE appears now as a complete suite of components including, besides the core WADE platform and the WOLF graphical development environment, the Web Administration Console that allows managing the system as well as launching, controlling and tracing workflows, the Persistence add-on that allows persisting WADE related information (such as the execution state of workflows) in a relational DB and the WadeService module that is at the basis of the new Web Service exposure feature.
As usual, a sensible effort was spent in consolidating existing features, fixing bugs, and improving the documentation. Refer to the ChangeLog file on the web site for the full list of changes and improvements in respect to the previous version of JADE and WADE.
JADE 4.1 and WADE 3.0 are expected to be fully backward compatible with previous versions.
JADE and WADE are distributed OPEN SOURCE by Telecom Italia S.p.A. under the terms of the LGPL Version 2 License and can be downloaded at https://jade.tilab.com/. JADE (Java Agent Development Framework) is a software framework that simplifies the implementation of multi-agent systems through a middle-ware that complies with the FIPA specifications and through a set of tools that support the debugging and deployment phases. JADE has successfully participated at the FIPA interoperability tests held in Seoul on January 1999 and in London on April 2001, and it has been extensively used within a number of European projects. It is completely implemented in Java language and the minimal software requirement is the version 5 of Java.