JavaSniffer released

We would like to announce that “JavaSniffer”, 3rd party software developed by
Rockwell Automation, Inc.,
is available for download on the JADE web site in the community&developers/add-ons section.

JavaSniffer is a stand alone Java application that can remotely connect to running JADE systems and is intended as an alternative to JADE’s built-in sniffer. It is able to visualize messages as a low-level UML sequential diagram and provides high-level view via dynamically created traceable workflow diagrams. XML, Lisp, and BitEfficient message encodings are supported according to FIPA ACL specifications and SL, XML, JDL content languages are primarily supported. It offers visualization of statistical information, message and agent filtering, automatic log file creation, etc. JavaSniffer is a freeware (detailed licensing information is included).