New snapshot available

Italian holidays are approaching but a new snapshot of JADE is available with some interesting news.

First of all, based on some recent discussion on this mailing list, we have removed a constraint and object references can now be passed as arguments to JADE Agents. Now an array of Object should be passed instead of an array of String. There should be no impact on your code apart from a warning because of a deprecated method (that still continues to work properly). Thanks to those of you who provided these suggestions.

Then, we have also started the integration with LEAP, the LightWeight Extensible Agent Platform, that is going to power JADE for special embedded device. Because of that, several classes of jade.core have changed and new packages have appeared without any implication on the user code.

We strongly invite users to test and stress this snapshot and provide us feedback before the release of the next version, in particular the kind authors of add-ons, examples, and tutorials. That release is scheduled for early September in conjunction with the first Open Source release of LEAP … stay tuned.