WADE 2.6 released

Dear JADE/WADE users,
We are pleased to announce the release of version 2.6 of WADE.
Major improvements with respect to previous versions are briefly listed below. Refer to the Javadoc and online documentation for details.

  • Full security support in web-service invocation including WS-Security username-token, WS-Security timestamp, HTTP basic authentication and SSL support with or without authentication.
  • Preliminary support for long-running workflows i.e. workflows that can be frozen and then recovered at a later time.
  • Several refactoring/simplifications related to agent configurations such as the addition of the getXXXArgument() and getXXXTypeProperty() methods to the WadeAgentImpl class that allows retrieving agent arguments and type properties as String, int, boolean and so on properly managing all format conversions.
  • WOLF
    • Added workflow outline feature
    • Added support for exporting the workflow view as a PNG image
    • Added workflow creation wizard
    • Added support for guided definition/modification of workflow formal parameters
  • Documentation
    • Revisited and completed WADE user guide
    • Improved Javadocs
    • Added 2 new examples showing how to launch and trace the execution of a workflow and how to read configurations specified both as agent arguments and type/role wide properties.

As usual, a sensible effort was spent in consolidating existing features and fixing bugs.

WADE 2.6 is expected to be fully backward compatible with previous versions.

We do thank all those users that constantly contribute to the improvement of the project by submitting bug reports and fixes, suggestions, and examples.

WADE is distributed OPEN SOURCE by Telecom Italia S.p.A. under the terms of the LGPL Version 2 License and can be downloaded at https://jade.tilab.com/wadeproject/. WADE (Workflows and Agents Development Environment) is a software framework that simplifies the implementation of distributed applications exploiting the agent paradigm and the workflow metaphor to define agent tasks.
WADE is completely implemented in Java language and the minimal software requirement to run it is Java 5.