WADE Tutorial at WOA 2009

The tutorial shows how to use WADE to develop distributed applications based on the agent paradigm and exploiting the workflow metaphor to define system logics.

Nowadays workflows are mostly adopted in BPM (Business Process Management) environments where they are used to represent business processes and orchestrate existing systems typically (but not necessarily) accessible by means of Web Services-based interfaces. The main challenge in WADE is to bring the workflow approach from the business process level to the level of system internal logics.
Attendees will initially get an overview of the JADE platform and its main features. After that the development of agent-based applications exploiting the workflow metaphor to define agent tasks will be addressed. WOLF, the workflow graphical editor, will be presented and the structure of WADE workflows will be explained. Finally the most distinctive characteristics of the WADE workflow engine such as inheritance, delegation and support for web service invocation will be highlighted.